If you want to cure panic attacks, then one of the finest tricks you can try is one called “The Daily Highlight.” This idea is based on having something pleasant or uplifting to look forward to, so that during times of low mood, depression, or if you feel a panic attack approaching, you can shift your focus to the upcoming highlight instead.
This trick alone is often enough to cure panic attacks before they ever materialise.
To understand why this simple method can work so well, imagine this scenario: You work a full-time job. You work 8 hours a day, Monday to Friday. Now imagine that at the end of the week you know you’re due for a week’s vacation (this could be a vacation where you take a trip, or perhaps just one where you laze around at home and have a “vacation” away from work).
I can almost promise that the final week of work before your week off will be an incredibly good one. And why? Because all week you’re looking forward to Friday when you know your time off officially begins.
So when something gets you down, you shrug it off because in a few days you’ll be on a beach, or sleeping in late at home eating breakfast in bed. A co-worker annoys you? Any other time you’d carry it around with you all day, but not this week. Not when you’re about to have your week off.
So if having a highlight to look forward to helps ease our stress and anxiety levels, why don’t we make use of it more often?
Well, that’s the whole theory behind “The Daily Highlight” trick.
Find small moments each day to look forward to. They can be anything that you know will life your mood, even if it’s only by a small amount.
Perhaps a highlight would be eating lunch somewhere peaceful or beautiful. Perhaps it would be meeting up with a friend for coffee. Maybe it would be soaking in a hot bubble bath before bed. Perhaps it would be watching your favourite TV show.
You can see how these daily highlights can really be anything.
And you can start to use them to cure panic attacks before they ever even strike. From now on, when your stress levels are rising, and your anxiety is threatening to get out of hand, focus on that day’s “Daily Highlight” and in a lot of cases you’ll find the pleasant thing you’re looking forward to is enough to overpower anything unpleasant going on in your mind.
Panic attacks are very common to everyone. If you are looking for cures for panic attacks, you have come to the right place. Finding out the cures for panic attacks is not actually difficult. You just have to find ways to look for cures for panic attacks.